• How many of our high school graduates enroll in college?
  • Do they persist and graduate from college?
  • How long does it take for them to get their degrees?
  • Do they go in or out of state for college?
  • Do they attend a two- or four-year school?
  • Which colleges do they most commonly attend?
  • And, most perhaps most importantly, are we preparing our students for college?

North State Together supports our region by uploading high school data into our consortium account, providing technical assistant to high school staff, presenting and showcasing data, and contracting with the National Student Clearinghouse’s research department to create customized aggregate county level National data reports. Our aim is to have 100% participation for all high schools in order to track our students’ postsecondary educational outcomes no matter what college they attend nationwide, including enrollment, transfer, stop outs, and persistence rates in order to accurately and quickly assess our college preparation efforts and address equity gaps.

Find our region's clearinghouse reports here

We are here to help

If you would like assistance or more information on how your high school can easily participate and gain valuable data, please contact your North State Together team.

Contact us

In addition, as part of North State Together’s Complete College America Alliance status, College of the Siskiyous and Shasta College are two of the few community colleges currently participating and submitting data for the Postsecondary Data Partnership, organized by National Student Clearinghouse which helps our region gain a fuller picture of student momentum, progress and outcomes and equity gaps , benchmark against peer institutions, meet various reporting requirements, and monitor the impact of large-scale reforms like pathways.