Our Vision:
A thriving North State built on the educational success of every child from cradle to career.

community driven
Our Values:
We believe in the power of local solutions within a regional support framework.

Relationship driven
Our Values:
We build strong relationships between cross-sector partners and community members built on trust.
Connect * Collaborate * Contribute

Our vision
A thriving North State built on the educational success of every child from cradle to career.

To increase community vitality by increasing educational access and success in the North State through local solutions within a regional support framework.

We are community, data, equity, and relationship driven.

The collective impact model is a framework which calls upon different actors in the impact ecosystem – government, business, public health, nonprofits, philanthropy, and other community stakeholders to collaborate in a structured way towards solving a specific social problem. Our cross-sector collective impact partnership is creating region-wide economic and educational success in the North State.

Building on our existing local and regional partnerships, The Alliance Project will work to ensure access to education and to alleviate disparities among our underserved populations in our region. By fostering meaningful connections and engagement with community partners we can create positive lasting change.

”We are thrilled to be able to partner with StriveTogether to advance our work in the North State. By focusing our efforts on the StriveTogether proven framework, our communities can better ensure every child has every opportunity to succeed. We are excited for the financial and technical assistance the national StriveTogether network will bring to North State Together to help us deliver more positive outcomes for North State children and families.”
Latest News
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Summer 2024 NSTogether | Issue 37
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