Last week North State Together convened virtually with our national Cradle to Career network, StriveTogether. The StriveTogether convening, Roots to Rise (October 4 through October 8), allowed collective impact partnerships like ours to come together and learn about best practices taking place throughout the nation.
Sessions were held related to policy, advocacy and mobilization and the importance of community input. The themes throughout the sessions were clear – data is important, but data alone will not lead to change. We need to unwrap what the data are telling us through input from multiple stakeholders. It is the data, backed by lived realities, with clear connection to impact on individuals and communities that will motivate lasting action and change.
Whereas StriveTogether was a national convening, there is no better example of the above framework then what has recently happened in our own back yard.
The following article tells the story of the incredible work that was done in our own communities to address a significant challenge with direct impact on our students, families, schools and regional wellness and growth. It captures what happens when we use data to identify a challenge, but then use personal stories and multiple perspectives to understand the root causes. The tremendous work of our peers and colleagues has led to a new statewide policy that will impact the north state and California as a whole. Kudos to all involved and thank you for your commitment to collective action!

American Indian Advisory in Shasta County Leads the Way…
Shasta County Office of Education’s American Indian Advisory played a pivotal role in new legislation that provides excused absences for California students attending Native cultural ceremonies and events. The bill, sponsored by Assembly member…